My goal was to generate JavaDoc for our framework softmodeler and the server/client application.
A short overview about the checkout sources:
To prevent errors (some errors prevent JavaDoc from creating the index.html and related files) it's important to set the classpath, in my case the target platform. So I pass the location of the target platform and use a fileset to get all the jars together. This path is then referred using classpathref="files-classpath" in the javadoc call.
If you get errors about too long filenames and such, make sure you use useexternalfile="true", more information on that here.
For the actual Javadoc task I use a bunch of filesets, excluding some unwanted packages.
Here the ant "create.javadoc" target:
<target name="create.javadoc" description="Generate the JavaDoc for the sources">
<echo message="javadoc source ${source}"></echo>
<echo message="javadoc destination ${javadoc.output}"></echo>
<echo message="target platform ${target.platform}"></echo>
<!-- set target platform as classpath -->
<path id="files-classpath">
<fileset dir="${target.platform}">
<include name="*.jar"/>
<!-- clean and create output location -->
<delete dir="${javadoc.output}"/>
<mkdir dir="${javadoc.output}"/>
<!-- generate the javadoc -->
windowtitle="Scodi/Softmodeler Documentation">
<!-- link external APIs -->
<link offline="false" href=""/>
<link offline="false" href=""/>
<link offline="false" href=""/>
<link offline="false" href=""/>
<link offline="false" href=""/>
<link offline="false" href=""/>
<link offline="false" href=""/>
<link offline="false" href=""/>
<link offline="false" href=""/>
<link offline="false" href=""/>
<link offline="false" href=""/>
<!-- softmodeler sources -->
<fileset dir="${source}/softmodeler/plugins/" defaultexcludes="true">
<include name="**/*.java"/>
<exclude name="**/org/**"/>
<exclude name="**/net/**"/>
<exclude name="**/test/**"/>
<!-- scodi sources -->
<fileset dir="${source}/scodi-server/plugins/">
<include name="**/*.java"/>
<exclude name="**/test/**"/>
<fileset dir="${source}/scodi-rcp/plugins/">
<include name="**/*.java"/>
<exclude name="**/test/**"/>
<exclude name="ch.scodi.mig/**"/>
<bottom><![CDATA[<i>Copyright © 2007 henzler informatik gmbh, CH-4106 Therwil</i>]]></bottom>
To be able to launch the ant task from Buckminster I had to add the following action to buckminster.cspex:
<cs:public name="create.javadoc" actor="ant">
<cs:property key="buildFile" value="build/javadoc.ant">
<cs:property key="targets" value="create.javadoc">
<cs:property key="source" value="${workspace}source">
<cs:property key="javadoc.output" value="${workspace}javadoc">
The Hudson job then needs to checkout the source and run a build step "Run Buckminster":
import '${WORKSPACE}source/scodi-rcp/features/'
perform -D workspace=${WORKSPACE} -D target.platform=${WORKSPACE}../../target.platform/workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/.bundle_pool/plugins/
I know the target.platform path is ugly, didn't find a pre-defined variable. Tried ${targetPlatformPath} but that somehow didn't work, any hints?
You then can publish the JavaDoc using the "Post-Build-Action".
Junit & Emma
Buckminster provides the command "junit" which allows you to launch "JUnit Plug-In Tests". This is a really great feature, because you can run tests in your eclipse environment very easy.
I ran into some problems because my launch file was not found, the launch needs to be within your workspace (not your checkout sources).
I imported my product site.query and did not realize that my test feature (containing the launch file) was not part of that. So additionally I had to import my test feature (see below) and it worked.
import '${WORKSPACE}source/scodi-server/features/'
import '${WORKSPACE}source/scodi-server/features/'
perform -D target.os=* -D* -D target.arch=* -D qualifier.replacement.*=${version}
perform -D target.os=win32 -D -D target.arch=x86
junit -l '/' -o '${WORKSPACE}output/junit_result.xml'
There is a "Post-Build-Action" to publish JUnit results. It somehow does not work with the generated output and caused my build to fail.
A great alternative is the "Performance Plugin", which publishes your result and also performance trends.
Martin Taal, founder and lead of the EMF Teneo project, wrote a very useful wiki article about Teneo building with Buckminster and Hudson.
Interesting for me was the Emma part.
To get Emma coverage reports do the following:
- Install the Emma Plug-In
- Install to the Buckminster installation
- change the "junit" command to "emma"
- add an additional paramter for the coverage report
- Your done. Awesome!!!
emma -l '/' -o '${WORKSPACE}output/junit_result.xml' --xml '${WORKSPACE}/output/coverage_report.xml' --flatXML
The Emma "Post-Build-Action" then publishes your coverage report.
Buckminster and Hudson, a great combination which makes releng of eclipse based products so much easier. Thanks to the Buckminster team!!!
It's always great to read first-hand experience reports from users. Thanks for sharing!
Nice article, I was looking for these kind of information.
Please continue writing....
Hello,great post. Information are pretty exciting and saved me huge amount of time which I have spend on something else instead of searching posts like this. I am waiting for more.
Thanks for the great article. Saved me lot of time.
One question: Do you know how to exclude packages with the emma command you provided? The documentation only states out filters for usage with ant but I cannot make it work with the "emma" buckminster command? If you have an example, this would be great!
hi Andreas
No I don't have an example but you can extend the "emma" command with the -P parameter where you can pass a properties file. Maybe this way you can exclude packages.
To save stdout and stderr as files use the following emma command:
emma -l '/' -o '${WORKSPACE}/output/junit_result.xml' --xml '${WORKSPACE}/output/coverage_report.xml' --flatXML --stdout '${WORKSPACE}/output/stdout.txt' --stderr '${WORKSPACE}/output/stderr.txt'
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